**New board members are always welcome!**
For more information, please contact one of the individuals below or email club: sk8virden@gmail.com
Board of Directors
President: Samantha Greenbank <samanthagreenbank@gmail.com>
Vice President: Matthew Russell <mathewrussell85@gmail.com>
Secretary: Meghan McKinnon <meghansprung@hotmail.com>
Treasurer: Wendy McAdam <wendyj1982@hotmail.com>
Test Chair: Hayleigh Hayward <
Registration: Jennifer Anderson <wahoski@gmail.com>
Can Skate Rep: *Could be You*
StarSkate Rep: *Could be You*
Synchro Rep: Nicole Murray <
Coach's Rep: Cindy Mahony
Members at Large: Michelle Leslie <michelledleslie@gmail.com>, Kendra R